Creating a Chefbot description ROS package

The chefbot_description package contains the URDF model of our robot. Before creating this package by yourself, you can go through the downloaded packages of Chefbot from chapter3_codes. It will help you to speed up the process.

Let's check how to create the chefbot_description package. The following procedure will guide you in creating this package:

  1. First, we need to switch to the chefbot folder in the src folder:
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/  
  1. The following command will create the robot description package along with dependencies, such as urdf and xacro. This will create the chefbot_description package in the catkin_ws/src folder:
    $ catkin_create_pkgchefbot_descriptioncatkinxacro  
  1. Copy all the folders ...

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