


This class provides a set of static properties that return Brushes for all the standard web colors.

Unlike most brushes, you must not Dispose() the ones returned from this class, as they are returned from a system cache and you will leave a nasty hole behind for the next person to try to use.

To retrieve a Brush for one of the basic system colors, see SystemBrushes.

public sealed class Brushes {

// Public Static Properties

   public static Brush AliceBlue{get; }

   public static Brush AntiqueWhite{get; }

   public static Brush Aqua{get; }

   public static Brush Aquamarine{get; }

   public static Brush Azure{get; }

   public static Brush Beige{get; }

   public static Brush Bisque{get; }

   public static Brush Black{get; }

   public static Brush BlanchedAlmond{get; }

   public static Brush Blue{get; }

   public static Brush BlueViolet{get; }

   public static Brush Brown{get; }

   public static Brush BurlyWood{get; }

   public static Brush CadetBlue{get; }

   public static Brush Chartreuse{get; }

   public static Brush Chocolate{get; }

   public static Brush Coral{get; }

   public static Brush CornflowerBlue{get; }

   public static Brush Cornsilk{get; }

   public static Brush Crimson{get; }

   public static Brush Cyan{get; }

   public static Brush DarkBlue{get; }

   public static Brush DarkCyan{get; }

   public static Brush DarkGoldenrod{get; }

   public static Brush DarkGray{get; }

   public static Brush DarkGreen{get; }

   public static Brush DarkKhaki{get; }

   public static Brush DarkMagenta{get; }

   public static Brush DarkOliveGreen{get; } public ...

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