This class provides a set of static properties, each of which returns
a Pen
with the default width (1) of the specified
well-known color.
Unlike other pens, you must not Dispose()
returned object to avoid leaving a disposed object in the underlying
system pens table.
public sealed class Pens { // Public Static Properties public static Pen AliceBlue{get; } public static Pen AntiqueWhite{get; } public static Pen Aqua{get; } public static Pen Aquamarine{get; } public static Pen Azure{get; } public static Pen Beige{get; } public static Pen Bisque{get; } public static Pen Black{get; } public static Pen BlanchedAlmond{get; } public static Pen Blue{get; } public static Pen BlueViolet{get; } public static Pen Brown{get; } public static Pen BurlyWood{get; } public static Pen CadetBlue{get; } public static Pen Chartreuse{get; } public static Pen Chocolate{get; } public static Pen Coral{get; } public static Pen CornflowerBlue{get; } public static Pen Cornsilk{get; } public static Pen Crimson{get; } public static Pen Cyan{get; } public static Pen DarkBlue{get; } public static Pen DarkCyan{get; } public static Pen DarkGoldenrod{get; } public static Pen DarkGray{get; } public static Pen DarkGreen{get; } public static Pen DarkKhaki{get; } public static Pen DarkMagenta{get; } public static Pen DarkOliveGreen{get; } public static Pen DarkOrange{get; } public static Pen DarkOrchid{get; } public static Pen DarkRed{get; } public static Pen DarkSalmon{get; } public static Pen DarkSeaGreen ...
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