A.2 Logarithmic Representation

A.2.1 Dimensionless Quantities

Dimensionless real and positive quantities (like antenna gain G) and absolute values of complex-valued quantities (like absolute values of scattering parameter, i.e. |sij|) are often given in logarithmic scale. Logarithmic representations are advantageous if quantities vary over several orders of magnitude. Logarithmic values maintain a good resolution for both small and large values.

For power-based quantities (like antenna gain) a factor of 10 is used, whereas for voltage, current or field strength-based values (like scattering parameters) a factor of 20 is used. So, the logarithmic values are given as

A.44 A.44

where images/b01_I0045.gif is the common logarithm. We do not use different symbols for linear and logarithmic representation. The pseudo-unit ‘dB’ (decibel) indicates the logarithmic scale and avoids confusing linear and logarithmic values: for example a gain of G = 1 in linear scale equals a gain of G = 0 dB in logarithmic scale. Table A.1 correlates commonly used linear and logarithmic values.

Table A.1 Conversion between linear and logarithmic scale

Logarithmic scale dB Linear scale (Voltage ratio) Linear scale (Power ratio)
+40 100 10 000 = 104
+30 ≈31.6 1 000 = 103
+20 10 100 = 102
+10 ≈3.16 10 = 101
+6 ≈2 ≈4

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