Chapter 2. Making Money Online

In This Chapter

  • Identifying the components of accepting a sale online

  • Turning one sale into two or more

  • Building traffic for free and for a fee

  • Building a virtual sales force

Making money on the Internet is like panning for gold: Your fortune can be made instantly, or you can spend a lifetime chasing the dream. Had a goldpanner in the late 1800s known what we know about the Internet today, he would've realized that directly panning for gold to feed his family wasn't his only income opportunity. For example, he could have also rented his spot on the creek, or sold drinking water to other panners, or taught beginners his secrets of goldpanning for a small fee. And after he had a proven claim, he could've recruited others to pan for him or pay others to sell usage of his claim.

When you think of making money from the Internet, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Selling your own product through your Web site is probably at the top of the list. Or, maybe you offer a service and want people to pay online so you can help them. Both of those, of course, are relevant ways to make a sale on the Internet — but there are several others.

In this chapter, I introduce you to a variety of ways to make money online, including the tools and tactics to help you mine online for traffic and revenue.

Discovering the Ways to Make Money on the Internet

Of the many ways to make money by using the Internet, they all fall into three main categories:

  • Promoting affiliate products ...

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