Chapter 3
Understanding Your Business Model and Brand
In This Chapter
Discovering the “Jobs To Be Done” concept
Understanding what drives revenue
Uncovering what your brand means
Recognizing brand goals
You may be asking yourself why a book about content marketing strategy has a chapter about business models and brands. There’s a good reason for that. You can’t really begin to determine your content marketing strategy until you determine how your company generates revenue and retains loyal customers. After you understand that, you’ll know what your customers find valuable in terms of products and content. You’ll be able to deliver the kind of content that keeps your customers engaged and buying.
Oddly enough, some companies don’t really understand the business they’re in. That may sound counterintuitive, but it’s true. Your company could be one of them. I speak to C-level managers who fully understand what their product does, but not what “job” (or jobs) it does for their customers. If you don’t know what job your customers are hiring your product to do, you won’t fully understand ...
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