How This Book Is Organized

OS X Mountain Lion Server For Dummies is organized in six parts, each with several related chapters. The parts are arranged in the order in which you might go about using the server. But you don’t have to read the book sequentially, as each part can stand alone as a sort of minibook on a topic. You don’t even have to read all the sections in any particular chapter. You can use the table of contents and the index to find the information you need and quickly get your answer.

I do recommend taking a glance, at least, at Part I. You find some information about installing Mountain Lion Server that you won’t find in Apple’s documentation.

Part I: Getting Mountain Lion Server Up and Running

I start Part I with a description of Mountain Lion Server — what it comes with, what you can do with it, and what you need to get it running. If you need advice on which Mac model to use as your server and what should be in it, look in this part. I also describe some hardware needs in the server and on the network. If you haven’t already installed Mountain Lion Server, read the step-by-step directions in Part I.

Part II: Creating and Maintaining User Accounts and Directories

For networks with more than a handful of users, setting up user directories can help automate security and simplify maintenance. Part II describes what you can do with a directory, including setting up user authentication and connecting your server to a bigger network.

Part II also covers the options ...

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