Rule Templates

URL Rewrite comes with a number of templates for common rules. These templates can be used to generate somewhat customized rules for you. Don't worry if some of the patterns or settings in the generated rules seem difficult to understand. The rules will make more sense as we progress through the chapter.

All templates share some common functionality, so rather than repeating them for each rule below, let's look at a mini-walk-through on how to start using a template:

1. In IIS Manager, navigate to the URL Rewrite tool at the site, server, or folder level by double-clicking on the URL Rewrite icon.
2. Click Add Rules(s)... from the Actions pane.
3. Select the appropriate template (see Figure 19.5) and click OK.
The current version of URL Rewrite has three rules that don't exist at the server level. So, if you don't see the rule, it may be because you're looking at the server level instead of the site level. All URL Rewrite templates are available at the site or subfolder level.

It's from this point that we will pick up the rules below. The templates are broken into four categories:

  • Inbound rules
  • Inbound and Outbound rules
  • Outbound rules
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Inbound Rule Templates

These three templates will process incoming traffic on the way through. All three templates exist at the server, site, and subfolder level.

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