
The largest local review directory on the Web, Yelp is a blend of social networking and ratings with a tight-knit community and a variety of tools for business owners.

Unlocking the Business Owner Account

I spoke with Luther Lowe, manager of Local Business Outreach for Yelp, and he recommended that the first thing you as a business owner should do is head to and unlock your page. The process is intuitive and includes finding your business, setting up your account, and confirming that you own or work for the business in question.

Once you have unlocked your page, you can view activity graphs that show the level of traffic your page has gotten over the past few months or days, as well as post information about your business, including special offers and announcements. You'll also be able to respond either privately or publicly to reviews posted about your business.

Offers and Announcements

At the top of each business page on Yelp (under the location information), there is a box that owners can use to enter additional information, including offers or announcements of upcoming events (see Figure 7-5). This is a great spot to include sale information or offer Yelp users discounts on your products or services. Luther shared an example of a tennis coach who used this space to link to old testimonials and reviews of his lessons that his customers had written.

Yelp allows small business owners to post information about their business, including special offers and announcements.

Figure 7-5. Yelp ...

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