Chapter 11, “Newton's Laws”


w = mg

where m = mass and g = acceleration due to gravity (–9.8m/s2 on Earth).


1N = 1kg*m/s2

1N = 0.2248lbs

Static Friction

FS = –μSN

where N is the normal force.

Kinetic Friction

FK = –μKN

where N is the normal force.

Free-Body Diagram

  1. Use arrows of relative lengths to represent forces.

  2. Draw all arrows originating from the center of the object and pointing in the appropriate direction.

Newton's First Law

If Fnet = 0, no change in motion occurs.

Newton's Second Law

Fnet = ma

where m is mass and a is acceleration.

Newton's Third Law

For every force there is an equal and opposite force, or, when two objects come into contact, they exert equal and opposite forces upon each other.

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