Questions and Answers
Q: Some advantages of linked lists over arrays have already been mentioned. However, there are occasions when arrays have advantages over linked lists. When are arrays preferable?
A: Linked lists present advantages over arrays when we expect to insert and remove elements frequently. However, arrays themselves offer some advantages when we expect the number of random accesses to overshadow the number of insertions and deletions. Arrays are strong in this case because their elements are arranged contiguously in memory. This contiguous arrangement allows any element to be accessed in O (1) time by using its index. Recall that to access an element of a linked list, we must have a pointer to the element itself. Getting a pointer to an element can be expensive if we do not know a great deal about the pattern in which the elements will be accessed. In practice, for many applications, we end up traversing at least part of the list. Arrays are also advantageous when storage is at a premium because they do not require additional pointers to keep their elements “linked” together.
Q: How do the operations of linked lists for inserting, removing, and accessing elements compare with similar ones for arrays?
A: Recall that all of the operations presented for each of the linked list variations in this chapter had runtime complexities of O (1), with the exception of the destroy operations. Indeed, this seems tough to beat. What the analyses for linked lists do not show, however, ...
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