Testing Your Shindig Installation

No matter which installation method you used, your Shindig implementation should now be viewable using your new http://shindig/ virtual host. This host points to the shindig/php directory created with the Shindig source code.

To display OpenSocial gadgets, we will point to http://shindig/gadgets/ifr within the Shindig code base. An Apache RewriteRule loads the appropriate gadget parsing code by accepting a GET parameter for the URL to the gadget to be parsed.

Now that we have installed and set up Shindig, we can test out the installation by pointing our browser to:


You should see an OpenSocial gadget similar to Figure 3-2.

Sample OpenSocial gadget, running on Shindig

Figure 3-2. Sample OpenSocial gadget, running on Shindig

You can load any gadget this way by replacing the source of the URL with any valid OpenSocial XML gadget file.

With our Shindig installation up and running, we can load gadgets directly into the browser. The Shindig installation is the backbone we’ll use to build and test all of the OpenSocial application development features in the next few chapters.

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