Play Fileupload web application

In this section, we will develop a Play Framework Scala and SBT-based Fileupload web application, which is useful to develop our final WF Reactive Systems in the coming chapters.

One of the new features of Play 2.6.x Framework is Fileupload functionality improvements.

We will follow these steps to develop and experiment with this example:

  1. Create a Play/Scala SBT project with the following name:
      Project name: play-scala-fileupload-app 
  1. Update build.sbt file:


      name := "play-scala-fileupload-example"
      version := "1.0.0" 
      lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala) 
      scalaVersion := "2.12.2" 
      libraryDependencies += guice 
      libraryDependencies += ws 
  1. Configure the SBTversion in the  ...

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