Chapter 22

Meeting and Communicating


Bullet Knowing the importance of monthly meetings

Bullet Holding successful meetings

Bullet Communicating with your leader and your team

When I was in the field, I was consistently the top seller, top event holder, and top recruiter every single month. I’d go to all the monthly meetings for my team, and my leaders would always ask me to train on party/appointment bookings and sales.

After months of me consistently training at these events, I was starting to lose my enthusiasm for attending. I felt that I wasn’t getting much from the meetings, and I wasn’t learning new things to build my own business. My leader could tell, and she said something to me that I will never forget: “Don’t ever question whether you should go to the meeting because either you need the meeting or the meeting needs you.”

But at one point my bookings started falling and I hit a wall. I called some of my friends to ask what was working for them and how they were filling their calendars each month. I went to the meeting that month, and even though I was low on parties, they still asked me to train. At that meeting I shared some of the ideas my friends gave me because I didn’t ...

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