Chapter 16. Monitoring distributed systems 577
Verbose garbage collection
Assuming there is appropriate disk space, a monitoring strategy must include verbose
garbage collection.
To enable verbose garbage collection, click Servers Server Types WebSphere
application servers <your server> Server Infrastructure Java and process
management Process definition Additional Properties Java Virtual Machine and
select the Verbose garbage collection option.
When this field is enabled, a report is written to the output stream each time the garbage
collector runs. The information can usually be found in native log files. In Version 7,
WebSphere used the optimal throughput (optthruput) algorithm for garbage collection. Now
generational concurrent garbage (gencon) collection is being used, which allows performance
improvements. Because optthruput uses a large contiguous heap shared by all threads, when
garbage collection is invoked, all of this area is scanned. This policy is beneficial for
applications that demand optimal throughput, but it has long pause times as a side effect.
Generational concurrent divides the heap memory in two pieces:
Nursery, for new objects
Tenured, for aged objects
So, in this policy, the time spent to scan one of the areas is smaller.
IBM Support Assistant provides tools that make the garbage collection analyses easier. For
more information about the garbage collection on WebSphere, read the following articles:
Note: TPV provides a good representation of what occurs with the JVM memory, but the
IBM Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer tool and the IBM Pattern Modelling and
Analysis for Java Garbage Collector tool provide more insightful help with memory-related
configurations to assist tuning memory. For example, you can be provided with advice on
heap sizes and garbage collection algorithms based on the patterns observed in the
garbage collection log.
These tools are available as add-ons to IBM Support Assistant. Use IBM Support Assistant
set up wizards to download these and other Support tools. For more information, refer to
the following web sites:
IBM Support Assistant:
Complete list of ISA available add-ons:
IBM Education Assistant module for The IBM Garbage Collection and Memory