Chapter 18
Perfecting Your Lead-Generation Techniques with Lead Scoring
In This Chapter
Sending only qualified leads to sales with lead scoring
Defining your lead scoring criteria
Creating your lead scoring plan and matrix
Helping to prioritize sales’ time with lead scoring and interesting moments
How do you know when a lead is ready to be contacted by sales? If you don’t implement lead scoring, you will have no idea. Lead scoring is a shared sales and marketing methodology for ranking leads in order to determine their sales-readiness. Basically, lead scoring takes all of your lead-generation and nurturing campaigns and provides a methodology to determine how close a person is to purchasing and where she is on the buying journey. A lead score is created in your marketing automation tool.
Scoring should be determined based on the following overall factors:
- Fit: How does the lead fit in with your defined buyer persona?
- Interest: How interested is the lead in your products?
- Buying stage: How far along in the buying journey is the lead?
The score of your lead determines whether he ...
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