Finding and Copying Styles
When you’re working on a long document, just finding every occurrence of a style can be a challenge. Imagine you want to replace one style with another—for example, replacing a headline style with a new larger headline style and then using the existing headline style for your subheadings. In this case you wouldn’t want to modify the existing style because you need to keep it to use in different places. Instead, Pages can find and highlight all the occurrences of a given style in your document—and then, with one click, you can apply a different style to those occurrences.
To do so, choose View → Show Styles Drawer and click the downward-pointing arrow next to the name of the style you want to replace. (Those arrows don’t appear until you point to the style name.) From the pop-up menu, choose “Select All Uses of [style name]”. Pages highlights all the occurrences of this style in your text. Click the name of any other style in the Styles Drawer, and Pages does the formatting switcheroo.
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