8. Preproduction

Academy Players Directory [casting guide] (www.playersdirectory.com)

Casting Society of America (CSA) (www.castingsociety.com)

Daniels, Bill, David Leedy, and Steven D. Sills, Movie Money: Understanding Hollywood's (Creative) Accounting Practices (Los Angeles: Silman-James, 1998)

Donaldson, Michael C., Mimi Donaldson, and David Frohnmayer, Negotiating For Dummies®, (New York: Wiley, 1996)

Entertainment Partners [scheduling and budgeting software] (www.entertainmentpartners.com)

Filmmaker.com [forms and tips] (www.filmmaker.com)

Gaines, Philip and David J. Rhodes, Hollywood on $5,000, $10,000, or $25,000 a Day: The Survival Guide for Low-Budget Filmmakers (Los Angeles: Silman-James, 1994)

Goodell, Gregory, Independent Feature ...

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