388 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
18.1 Common considerations for all languages
The UNIX System Services (USS) shell enforces re-entrancy, so non-reentrant programs
should not be run under the USS shell.
The default single screen debugging cannot be used when debugging USS applications. The
VTAM interface or the remote debugger interface must be used.
18.1.1 Specifying the TEST runtime option
Under UNIX System Services, the LE Runtime Options are specified using the
_CEE_RUNOPTS environment variable. This variable can be set using an export command
in the shell, for example:
This runtime option will now apply to every job that runs until you unset the environment
variable using the command:
Be very careful about what you run in the shell when the TEST runtime option is specified in
_CEE_RUNOPTS. Commands such as tar, c89, and make, can cause the tar, c89, and make
utilities to appear in the remote debugger screen (in an assembler view since no debug
information is available). To check what Language Environment runtime options you currently
have set, you can use the command:
Figure 18-1 shows:
1. Setting the TEST Language Environment runtime option.
2. Querying which runtime options are currently specified.
3. Running a program and bringing up the remote debugger (not shown).
4. Unsetting the Language Environment runtime options.
5. Querying which runtime options are currently specified.
Chapter 18. Using Debug Tool under UNIX System Services 389
Figure 18-1 Setting and clearing Language Environment runtime options in the USS shell
Other methods of specifying runtime options
CEEUOPTS, and the C #pragma runopts directive can also be used under the shell to invoke
the debugger. However, the _CEE_RUNOPTS environment variable tends to be the
preferred method because TCP/IP addresses and VTAM terminal LU IDs can change, and
the environment variable allows the person debugging the program to change their TEST
runtime option without having to re-compile or relink their program.
18.1.2 Special considerations for running DLL applications from the shell
When running a USS module, and looking for DLLs to load the loader looks in the path
specified by the LIBPATH environment variable. This should be set to point to your DLLs prior
to running your DLL application.
Note: When running under USS, the test option may always be specified in
_CEE_RUNOPTS regardless of the language used to compile the program entry point.
No slashes (‘/’) are required.
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