Chapter 23. Compiling and converting old COBOL code with Debug Tool Utilities 449
Returning to the CCCA Master Menu choose Selection 2, CUSTOMIZE - LCP Development
Aid (Language Conversion Program). This selection allows you to:
򐂰 Change the reserved word table
򐂰 Compile LCP source
򐂰 Delete LCP or activate/deactivate debugging for an LCP
򐂰 Generate a directory of the LCP library
򐂰 Update message file
򐂰 Set environment and conversion options
򐂰 Convert COBOL source programs.
Setting environment and conversion options selection from this menu is identical to selecting
options from the CCCA Master Menu.
Selecting Convert COBOL Source Programs from this menu is identical to selecting
Conversion from the main CCCA panel.
Now select 7 CONVERT PROGRAM - Convert COBOL source programs
The first panel presents you with the job statement information. Verify the data and press
The next panel lets you enter the source input library, the program and copy library, and the
options (like SQL, CICS, DLI).
After pressing Enter, you can select one or more members from the source input library.
Return from this panel with F3 Exit.
The conversion submission panel lets you either select more members to convert (press
Enter), submit the JCL with or without return, or cancel the conversion.
Press PF3 to submit the job (or jobs) and to return to the CCCA converter menu.
To know the results and statistics of your conversions, select from the CCCA convertor menu
options 3 to 8, and L. Option E lets you delete the conversion statistics.
23.5 Summary
Debug Tool Utilities and Advanced Functions provides you with an easy way of dealing with
old COBOL programs:
򐂰 You can continue to use the old source and just use the convert and compile options for
debugging. (This would allow you to continue to use the old compiler for the production
version of the program if you wish.)
򐂰 You can convert your old COBOL source to 85 COBOL source on the fly and debug or just
use the facility to create your new production drivers.
򐂰 You can convert your old COBOL source to 85 COBOL and keep the converted source
(recommended) for use in your normal production and debugging.
Note: Option 6 (Compile after converting) means that the program is compiled but there is
no output saved.
450 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390

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