426 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
22.3 Using DTCU
DTCU comes with an ISPF user interface where you can start all preparation steps needed,
as follows:
1. Set up the DTCU defaults.
2. Set up your control file.
3. Create the JCL for the setup.
4. Create the JCL to start the monitor.
5. Create JCL for a report.
22.3.1 Starting the DTCU ISPF dialog
If an option was installed to access the Debug Tool Utilities from an existing ISPF panel, then
select that option.
If the Debug Tool Utilities were not installed in your ISPF environment, enter the following
command from ISPF option 6:
Next, select option 3 for DTCU. The next panel you see is the Debug Tool Coverage Utility, as
shown in Figure 22-2.
Figure 22-2 Primary DTCU panel
Chapter 22. Using Debug Tool Coverage Utility 427
22.3.2 Modifying your DTCU defaults
If used the first time, you will find the defaults set depending on your username, as shown in
Figure 22-3. You can use this panel to change these defaults, to appropriate values for your
project. You will need to know the SVC numbers as they were installed by the systems
programmer. In our environment these were X’F0’ and X’F1’.
Figure 22-3 DTCU Defaults panel
We changed the Project qualifier to ‘userid.COVERAGE’, other data sets will be changed
automatically to ‘userid.COVERAGE’. We entered the SVC numbers, and we changed the
program name to ‘TRADERB’. We also shortened the job card, because there were JCL
Once done, you can save (export) your defaults. Later, you can either reset the defaults to
your site defaults, or you can import the defaults that you have exported.
22.3.3 Compiling the program to be measured
We used our program TRADERB, and made sure that the compile time option LIST was on.
This option is available for all compilers. For the required compile time options, refer to Debug
Tool for z/OS and OS/390 V3R1 Coverage Utility User's Guide and Messages, SC18-7173.
The SYSLIN output from the compiler, as well as the compiler listings, are now available as
members of partitioned data sets.
428 Using IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
Here is an example for the compile JCL we used, as shown in Figure 22-4.
Figure 22-4 Sample JCL for code coverage
22.3.4 Setting up your control file
Select 1 from the main DTCU panel as shown in Figure 22-3 on page 427. The control file
data set name will be based on the defaults you have defined. Refer to 22.3.2, “Modifying
your DTCU defaults” on page 427. In the control file, you will describe the compile units you
want to be analyzed.
In our test case, the control file name is ‘userid.COVERAGE.DTCU(TRADERB)’
Select 1: Edit
We wanted to make it as simple as possible, so our TRADERB is really very simple, as
shown in Figure 22-5.
Figure 22-5 DTCU control file
//* end davinr2c
Chapter 22. Using Debug Tool Coverage Utility 429
The last line ‘COBOL ListMember=TRADERB’ defines what COBOL program will be
prepared and measured. If you have an application with several Compile units, then you will
add a line for all those compile units you want to be analyzed.
PLI Listmember=PLSYNTX
22.3.5 Create the setup JCL
Select option 2 (Create JCL for Setup) from the MAIN DTCU panel as shown in Figure 22-2
on page 426, and the panel in Figure 22-6 is displayed. The generated JCL will be used to
create a new object, which will have breakpoints inserted based on the assembler code
(because of the LIST compile time option) found in the compiler listings.
Figure 22-6 DTCU create JCL for setup
22.3.6 Create JCL to start a monitor session
Select option 3 (Create JCL to Start the Monitor) from the MAIN DTCU panel in Figure 22-2
on page 426, and the panel in Figure 22-7 is displayed.
This generated JCL will be used to start up the monitor session.
You also may use the monitor ISPF panel, option 1, in 22.3.17, “Use of the monitor panel” on
page 435.
Note: During Generate JCL from Parameters, we received an error message, because of
a missing ZAPOBJ data set. We defined one (as a PDS) and re-ran the generate.
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