Putting the Application Together

The final step in creating a working scheduler application is to create the main code routine on the main timeline of the Flash document. Essentially, the main routine is responsible for three things:

  • Creating an instance of Macromedia’s Calendar component (the FCalendarSymbol must be available in the Library)

  • Creating an instance of the Schedule component

  • Creating functionality that opens a schedule item that corresponds to a calendar date when the calendar date is double-clicked

All you need to do to complete the scheduler application is add the following code to the first frame of the default layer of the Flash document’s main timeline:

// Include DrawingMethods.as from Chapter 4.
#include "DrawingMethods.as"
// Include MovieClip.as from Chapter 7 and TextField.as from Chapter 8.
#include "MovieClip.as"
#include "TextField.as"
// Include Date.as from Chapter 10 and Tables.as from Chapter 11.
#include "Date.as"
#include "Table.as"

function init(  ) {

  // Create an instance of the Calendar component.
  _root.attachMovie("FCalendarSymbol", "cal", _root.getNewDepth(  ));
  cal.setSize(Stage.width, Stage.height);

  // Create a Schedule component instance.
  _root.attachMovie("ScheduleSymbol", "scheduler", _root.getNewDepth(  ));
  scheduler.setOnClose("onScheduleClose", _root);

// The onSelectDate(  ) function is the callback function for the Calendar component. function onSelectDate(cmpt) { // Get the time, in milliseconds, since ...

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