302 LESSON 13 Working with Adobe Photoshop Elements
Review questions
1 Where can you fi nd the command to place images from Adobe Photoshop Elements
into Adobe Premiere Elements? Where are the images placed once they are sent to
Adobe Premiere Elements?
2 What are additional ways to transfer images from Adobe Photoshop Elements in to
Adobe Premiere Elements?
3 How do you create an Adobe Photoshop fi le in Adobe Premiere Elements? What are
the advantages of doing so?
Review answers
1 In the Organizer of Adobe Photoshop Elements, choose the command File > Send
to Premiere Elements. All fi les selected in the Photo Browser will be sent to Adobe
Premiere Elements and added at the end of your Timeline. You can select individual
images in the Adobe Photoshop Elements Photo Browser by Ctrl-clicking them.
2 You can transfer images from Photoshop Elements to Adobe Premiere Elements by
by selecting them in Photoshop Elements, choosing Edit > Copy, switching to Adobe
Premiere Elements, and then choosing Edit > Paste. From the Organizer view in Adobe
Premiere Elements you can open a Photoshop Elements album, without having to open
Adobe Photoshop Elements itself.
3 e command File > New > Photoshop File will create a blank Adobe Photoshop fi le
that matches the dimensions and aspect ratio of the current project. is will enable
you to use the various image editing tools in Photoshop Elements to modify or create
images for use in your video project.
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