basic skills, 2–3
fi le associations, 301
fi le format considerations, 281
Windows Device Model, 35
Windows Media format, 268–271,
Windows Vista, 3. See also Windows
Windows XP, 3, 301. See also
wipes, 153
customizing, 28–29
Disc Menus, 13–14
Edit, 12–13
Organize, 9, 11–12
restoring default, 28, 30
Share, 14
Yahoo Video, 270
YouTube, 265–267, 281
Zoom control, 89–90
zooms, 153
moving, 93–94
perfecting, 119–129
reframing, 121–122
shortening, 113
splitting, 96–97, 105–107
superimposing titles over,
trimming, 95–96
video compression, 257, 259
video eff ects, 13, 116. See also eff ects
video fi les
disk space required for, 51
uploading to,
video formats, 24–25
video leads, 184
video menus. See menus
video producers, 8
video projects. See projects
Video Stabilizer eff ect, 129
Video Stabilizer folder, 117
video storage hardware, 37
video titles. See titles
video tracks
adding, 100
changing height of, 101
combining, 113
customizing views of, 101–102
stacking order of, 99
Video Transition Default Duration
preferences, 26
Video Transitions view, 153, 154, 165
Videomerge eff ect, 144–145
volume control, 118, 174–182, 189
volume graph, 174
waveforms, 175
WDM devices, 35
capturing video from, 35, 36–37,
and device control, 41
retrieving fi les from, 11
and scene detection, 39
Wedding album, 286
wedding background music, 219
Wedding Doves theme, 219
Wedding templates, 13
wedding videos, 166, 176
Welcome screen
Photoshop Elements, 284
Premiere Elements, 8
widescreen video, 22, 24
Production Notes
Adobe Premiere Elements 7 Classroom in a Book was created electronically using
Adobe InDesign CS3. Art was produced using Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator,
and Adobe Photoshop. e Myriad Pro and Warnock Pro OpenType families of
typefaces were used throughout this book.
References to company names in the lessons are for demonstration purposes only
and are not intended to refer to any actual organization or person.
Team Credits
e following individuals contributed to the development of this edition of
Adobe Premiere Elements 7 Classroom in a Book:
Project Editor: Nancy Peterson
Production Editor: Tracey Croom
Development Editor: Stephen Nathans-Kelly
Copyeditor: Elizabeth Avery Merfeld
Tech Editor: Bob Lindstrom
Compositor: Kim Scott, Bumpy Design
Indexer: FireCrystal Communications
Interior design: Mimi Heft
Special thanks to Christine Yarrow.
Typefaces used
Adobe Myriad Pro and Adobe Warnock Pro are used throughout the lessons. For
more information about OpenType and Adobe fonts, visit
Photo credits
Photographic images, illustrations, and video supplied by Adobe Systems
Incorporated. Photos and video are for use only with the lessons in the book.
Jan Ozer has worked in digital video since 1990, and since 1996, has
served as a contributing editor to PC Magazine and EventDV. Jan’s 14
books on digital video have been translated into seven languages, and
include Making a Movie in Premiere Elements: Visual QuickProject
Guide. When not chasing his two daughters around with a camcorder,
Jan shoots and produces concert and training DVDs for local musicians
in his adapted home of Galax, Virginia. Y’all come see us, y’hear!
Elizabeth Whatley Ozer, the voice talent for Lesson 8, enjoys ballet dancing,
singing, and acting, and plans to attend Julliard in the fall of 2016.
Contributions, therefore, will be gladly accepted.
Eleanor Rose Ozer, who generally directed the artistic components of this
endeavor, enjoys cars, cats, and chocolate, not necessarily in that order.
She plans to either be a Secret Service agent or an architect.
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