Network and Transport Layers

The OSI Network Layer is responsible for sending packets across different networks, whereas the OSI Transport Layer handles end-to-end message delivery. These layers correspond to the Internet and Transport Layers in the TCP/IP Reference Model, respectively (see FIGURE 5-1).

The illustration presents the layers in the O S I and T C P or I P reference models. O S I model has seven layers, and T C P or I P has four layers. In the O S I model, the data link layer and physical are separate layers. In T C P, physical and data link are both combined as a single network layer. The internet and transport are the third and fourth layers in both the models. Session and presentation layers are a part of the O S I model. There are no session and presentation layers in the T C P model. The final layer in both the models is the application layer.

FIGURE 5-1 OSI model compared to the TCP/IP model.


The term router also refers to a Layer 3 switch. Router is the more commonly used term in networking.

The Network Layer of the OSI model is where the Internet Protocol (IP) operates ...

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