Automated customs environment (ACE), in import
management, 93
Automated Export System (AES), 285
defined, 216
exporting knowledge required of, 105–107
Automated Manifest System (AMS), defined, 216
Awareness, in inbound supply chain management, 200–201
BAF. See Bunker Adjustment Fee (BAF)
Balance of trade, defined, 216
Bank(s), advising, defined, 215
Barter, defined, 216
BDP, in global supply chain management, 51
denial of, NAFTA—related, 291
as factor in sourcing vs. outsourcing, 5
Best Buy, 187
Bill of lading, defined, 216
Bioterrorism Act, 279
BIS. See Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
BIS Transshipment Country Export Control Initiative, 123
Black, Cofer, 133f
in importation and customs clearance process, 260–261
parties to, 261
types of, 261
defined, 216
in, defined, 222
Bonded warehouse, defined, 216–217
Bonded warehouse entries, in importation and customs
clearance process, 255
Bonner, Robert C., 93, 93f, 188
Border Accord Initiative, 65–72
Breakbulk cargo, defined, 217
Bretton Woods Conference, defined, 217
customhouse, management of, 54–55
customs, 248
licensed, consulting with, 285–286
records maintained by, 259
reasonable care standards applicable to, 239
selection of, in managing political risk insurance,
Browning, Douglas, 73
Bunker Adjustment Fee (BAF), defined, 216
Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 62–63, 63f,
81, 187, 248, 279–282. See also Customs and Border
Protection (CBP)
Advanced Manifest Notification Programs, 243, 245–246
billing for shipment examination, 287–288
CSI, 243–246
C-TPAT, 242
Customs Powers of Attorney, 247–254
effective import compliance management, 243
exporting knowledge required of, 105–134
focused assessment approach, 237
global security awareness, 243
import compliance, 239–242
import process objectives, 243–244
import regulatory issues, 236–237
importation and customs clearance process, 254–263
See also Importation and customs clearance process
management centers, 236
organizational structure of, 235
phase I, 237
profile of, 234
reasonable care, 238–239
staff of Commissioner of Customs, 235–236
of U.S., 62–63, 63f
valuation verification, 246–247
Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) contact,

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