Documentation detail became much more critical after
9/11. Freight to and from the United States underwent new
documentation and procedures before allowing to transit.
The government’s response to control inbound freight was
the 24 Hour Manifest Rule. This regulation required carriers
to transfer detailed manifests to CBP on inbound ocean
freight 24 hours before the vessel sails from the foreign port.
The 24 Hour Rule placed very tight communication and
information transfer responsibilities on overseas suppliers,
inbound carriers, and importers in the United States.
Some regulations already in place were modified and
pursued. One such regulation concerned deemed exports.
The deemed export regulations redefine exports to include
the transfer of information, capability, and wherewithal to
foreign nationals to be handled as if it was a physical export.
For example, a U.S. company developing foreign capability
has a foreign national visit the United States to train. The
U.S. company would have to review the export regulations
to determine whether that learning process can be deemed
exported legitimately. The nature of the knowledge transfer,
the specific individual, and the county of utilization, along
with the end use of the information, would all be taken into
consideration before the training could even begin, if it
could be implemented at all.
Logistics and purchasing managers had to examine the
inbound processes and modify them to conform to the new
regulations. The regulations increased for more difficult im-
ports, such as with hazmat materials, chemicals, pharma-
ceuticals, and energy-related goods. Identifying suppliers
and products before arrival, increased documentation, and
increased CBP scrutiny were also consequences of 9/11
regulation changes.

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