The state of the game
We now have our Snake game at the point where it is almost a complete game; we just need to add a few more things to achieve this. Currently, our game stops when the snake collides with itself. What we need to add is a way to restart the game if this happens, so the player can have another go!
To do this, we will do the following:
- Adding a game state
- Displaying game-over text
- Restarting the game
Adding a state
When you think about it, a game can have many states. Seriously, pick one of your favorite games and consider the states the game could be in. Let's list some out:
- Start
- Playing
- Paused
- Game over
- Restart
It could be argued that start and restart are the same thing, but that really depends on the game and what you, as the game developer, ...
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