Chapter 2
Windows 10 for the Experienced
In This Chapter
Introducing what’s new for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 users
Checking out the new interfaces
Getting to know the new Windows
Deciding whether you really need Windows 10
If you’re among the 1.7 billion or so souls on the planet who have been around the block with Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP, you’re in for a shock.
Although Windows 10 will look vaguely familiar to long-time desktop users, the details are very different. And if you’ve conquered the Metro side of Windows 8.1 (which is the only side of Windows 8), you’re going to be in for a pleasant surprise.
A Brief History of Windows 10
Pardon me while I rant for a bit.
Microsoft darn near killed Windows — and most of the PC industry — with the abomination that was Windows 8. Granted, there were other forces at work — the ascendancy of mobile computing, touch screens, faster cheaper and smaller hardware, better Apples, and other competition — but to my mind the number one factor in Windows’ demise was Windows ...
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