likes, discovering, 86–89
listening, 69
Little House on the Prairie (Laura
Ingalls Wilder), 42
L.L. Bean, 94
logo, 20
long-term goals, 165–166
loyalty, 121, 123, 129
Mackay, Harvey, on finding some-
thing you love to do, 87
Make, Vusumzi, 44
making other changes, as response
to change, 5
Malcolm X, 45
mapping, your brand essence,
marketplace execution, 110
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia,
Maytag, 118
McDonald’s, 16–17
measurable goals, 162
Mercedes, 22
Michelangelo, 42
Michelin, 117
Miracle on 34th Street (film), 2
“mirror test,” 18
mission statement, 143
monitoring progress, 24, 210–211
Moses, Anna Mary Robertson
“Grandma,” 142
Myers-Briggs Foundation, 69
Myers-Briggs survey, 69–70
negative brand experience, 17
negativity, 206
Nike, 19, 79, 205
Nordstrom, 22, 118
note-taking, 69
openness, 69
opportunity-based strategic
planning, 183–185
Organization of African American
Unity, 45
Otello (Giuseppe Verdi), 42
overcompensating, for gaps, 83–84
passion, 88
passion points, 100–102
past experiences, 34–35, 43–45
perceived image, see brand image
personal branding, 4–5
personal brand positioning
creating, 142–145
goal of, 140
personal brands, 16
personal equity, 77
personal growth, 40
personal history, 22
personality tests, 70
point of difference, 21
implementation as, 203–204
in positioning statement,
140–141, 144, 146–147
Poor Richard’s Almanack
(Benjamin Franklin), 30
positioning, 11, 109–152
brand personality in, 118–121
for Brand YOU, 113–117
cycle of, 111
examples of, 117–118
goal of personal brand, 140
in marketplace, 20–23
plan for, 76, 133–134
process of, 110–113
positioning plan, 76, 133–134
positioning statement, 134–142
creating, 142–145
elements of, 135

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