An event handler for a canvas would have to track help-key events, display the help frame,
and provide the text to display in the frame. The following code fragments show how this
might be done.
canvas = xv_create(frame, CANVAS,
WIN_EVENT_PROC, my_event_handler,
my_event_handler(window, event)
Xv_Window window;
Event *event;
if (event_action(event) == ACTION_HELP) {
xv_help_show(window, "canvas:help_info", event);
The meaning of “canvas:help_info” is the same as the help data described earlier.
23.2.5 Help File Installation
Once the help file has been written, you should install it in /usr/lib/help on your system. If
you don’t, then the user must set the $HELPPATH environment variable correctly to point to
the path where the file actually resides. Otherwise, the user’s request for help will result in a
notice that help being posted cannot be found. Further, the file and the path to the file
(including directories and links) must be readable and searchable.
If circumstances prevent you from installing the help file in the designated area, it is not rea-
sonable to expect the user to know where the help file is. That is, do not expect that the user
has set the $HELPPATH variable correctly. You should set the environment for the user. The
path must be set to include at least two pathnames: /usr/lib/help and the path to your help file.
Both are needed because the user might request help from XView objects that provide their
own help; these help files reside in the default directory and may be needed.
The following code fragment shows how $HELPPATH should be initialized to locate help
files that do not reside in /usr/lib/help.
#include <stdio.h> /* for BUFSIZ */
#define HELPPATHNAME "/help/directory" /* set this yourself */
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[ ];
extern char *getenv();
char *helppath, buf[BUFSIZ];
562 XView Programming Manual
xv_init(XV_INIT_ARGC_PTR_ARGV, &argc, argv, NULL);
/* ... */
sprintf(buf, "HELPPATH=/usr/lib/help:%s:", HELPPATHNAME);
if (helppath = getenv("HELPPATH"))
strcat(buf, helppath);
/* ... */
Notice that we are setting the value of $HELPPATH regardless of its previous value. We
don’t know if the previous value of $HELPPATH existed; if it did, we don’t know if the nec-
essary pathnames were already in it. It is not worth the effort writing code to parse the string
to see if the path exists. Even if it does, we want to be sure it is at the beginning of the vari-
able. This ensures that the path is searched first. Since the same path can be set more than
once, no harm is done by prefixing the variable with the desired pathnames.
Further, the use of putenv() requires that the char * buffer passed be valid throughout
the life of the variable (e.g., until it is unset or reset later). In most cases, we would have to
use malloc() and pass in new memory or use a static variable. However, since this
putenv() is called from main, the variable space used by buf will not be corrupted until
main() exits. So we don’t bother with allocating memory.
Lastly, it should be mentioned that the effects of putenv() are temporary; the new path set-
ting affects this process and application only. Each process has its own version of
so setting it explicitly for our application does not affect other programs. HELPPATH usage with internationalization
The help mechanism checks the value of the attribute
. If this attribute is set
TRUE, the help files are searched for in locale specific directories, according to the setting
is "C," and HELPATH is set to $APPHOME, then the application searches in the specified
directory, as well as in the language specific directory for its .info files. In this case, the
search path includes two directories:
$APPHOME Setting the application name
The attribute XV_APP_NAME sets the string to be used by XView as the application’s name.
(Currently this is only for the help package). The application name can be localized using
gettext around the string that is set with XV_APP_NAME. XView will use the localized
string set with XV_APP_NAME in the header of spot help windows to indicate which applica-
tion generated the help window.
Help Facilities
Help Facilities 563
This attribute allows for more than one help file while still displaying the same name in the
spot help header window.
23.3 Help Package Summary
Table 23-2 lists the attributes and procedures for the HELP package. This information is
described fully in the XView Reference Manual.
Table 23-2. Help Attributes and Procedures
Attributes Procedures
XV_HELP_DATA xv_help_show()
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