3.2.1 Using xv_init( )
Initialization should be done before the application attempts to parse its own command-line
options. Since many programs tend to have command-line parameters, a program tends to
report unknown parameters as illegal arguments. Because XView parameters can also be
specified on the command line to the application, the program must be able to distinguish
between the application’s parameters and XView’s parameters.
xv_init() accepts the attributes XV_INIT_ARGS and XV_INIT_ARGC_PTR_ARGV for pur-
poses of parsing command-line arguments. These attributes both take two parameters as val-
ues: argc and argv. These are typically the same ones passed into main(). Using the
XV_INIT_ARGC_PTR_ARGV attribute, the xv_init() function can be told to modify argc
and argv by removing parameters that are XView-specific, like so:
xv_init(XV_INIT_ARGC_PTR_ARGV, &argc, argv, NULL);
When xv_init returns, argv contains only those parameters that are not specific to
XView, and the application can now assume that all remaining arguments are specific to the
application. So a hypothetical command line might look like this:
% program –display maui:0
The command line is first parsed by xv_init(), and in this case, all arguments are stripped
from the argv variable, leaving just argv[0], whose value is program. argc is modi-
fied to have the value 1 (it was originally 3). The example command-line parameters change
the default server to be the X server running on the machine named maui.
The macro XV_INIT_ARGS is similar:
xv_init(XV_INIT_ARGS, argc, argv, NULL);
Here, argc and argv are not modified at all and are returned unchanged by xv_init().
Therefore, the value, not the address, of argc is used. This method is less advantageous for
initializing XView because it leaves the application with the responsibility of parsing XView
command-line parameters later.
Once XView has been initialized, subsequent calls to xv_init() are ignored,
as are all parameters consisting of
A common error that users make is to enter bad command-line arguments. These arguments
can be specific to XView or specific to the application, so XView handles the XView-specific
argument and then expects the programmer to handle application-specific arguments.
Upon receiving a bad argument, XView prints an error message, indicating what XView-
specific values are legal, and then calls exit(1). The function that provides this message is
specified by the attribute XV_USAGE_PROC. In most cases, you want to leave this alone
because it is not the way you handle application-specific arguments.
46 XView Programming Manual
The attribute XV_ERROR_PROC is used to install an error recovery routine. See Chapter 24,
Error Recovery, for details about error handling.
3.3 Creating and Modifying Objects
After the system has been initialized, objects can be created and modified using
xv_create(), xv_find(), xv_get(), and xv_set(). A closer look at
xv_create() and xv_find() shows how these functions can be used to create new
objects or find existing objects with particular attributes from various packages.
3.3.1 Using xv_create( )
xv_create() is typically used as shown in Example 3-2.
Example 3-2. xv_create() creates XView objects
#include <xview/xview.h>
main(argc, argv)
char *argv[ ];
Frame frame;
xv_init(XV_INIT_ARGC_PTR_ARGV, &argc, argv, NULL);
frame = (Frame)xv_create(NULL, FRAME, NULL);
In Example 3-2, a frame is created from the FRAME package and no additional attribute-value
pairs are specified. Therefore, all the default properties from the frame class are set into the
instance of this new frame when it is created.
The form of xv_create() is:
xv_create(owner, package,
Xv_object owner;
Xv_pkg package;
<attribute-value list>
In most cases, owner is another XView object. As shown in the example, when the frame is
created, it has no owner, per se. This means that the owner should default to a pre-specified
owner that XView has in mind. Defaulting is not always possible, but for this base frame, the
default owner is the root window of the current server. As a child of the root window, the
frame is under the constraints that the window manager might impose upon it (the colormap,
for example).
Objects must have an owner for several reasons. One reason is that the X server may not be
running on the same machine as the application (client) program. Therefore, because XView
is running on the client side, objects that are created by the application have to contact the
Creating XView
Creating XView Applications 47
server. There could be more than one server to contact if the application supports multiple
displays or runs on several machines simultaneously. To do this, XView needs to know what
server or screen a particular object is associated with.
Another reason is that certain attributes are inherited from the owner, such as color and event
masks. It is up to the individual package to determine what it inherits from its owner.
When owner is NULL, the owner of the object being created is either defaulted to a predeter-
mined owner, or the object is said to have delayed binding. That is, the object is not associ-
ated with any other object until it is displayed on the screen. A scrollbar that is created with
a NULL owner will not be displayed until it is attached to an object, and this object becomes
its owner. Most objects are required to have owners at the time of their creation. Frames,
windows and fonts must have a valid (default) owner because they need to access the
screen’s default colors, available fonts and so on.
Table 3-2 shows the default owner if owner is NULL in the call to xv_create.
Table 3-2. Default Ownership of Objects
Object’s Package Owner If Owner is NULL
CANVAS Frame The window manager of
Screen xv_default_screen
CURSOR Window, screen or anything that The window manager of
returns XV_ROOT xv_default_screen
DRAGDROP Window NULL owner not allowed
DROP_SITE_ITEM Window NULL owner not allowed
Another frame or the root window The window manager of
Panel Items
Panel NULL owner not allowed
MENU Ignores its owner Always use NULL
NOTICE Window NULL owner not allowed
PANEL Frame xv_default_screen
Menu Items
Menu Allows delayed binding
ICON Same as cursor Same as cursor
An openwin object Allows delayed binding
SCROLLABLE_PANEL Frame NULL owner not allowed
SCREEN, Server xv_default_server
Selection Owner NULL owner not allowed
SELECTION_OWNER Window NULL owner not allowed
SELECTION_REQUESTOR Window NULL owner not allowed
Ignores its owner Always use NULL
48 XView Programming Manual
Table 3-2. Default Ownership of Objects (continued)
Object’s Package Owner If Owner is NULL
SERVER_IMAGE Screen xv_default_screen
TEXT Frame The window manager of
The object that is returned from xv_create() is an opaque data type called Xv_object.
The return value should be coerced into the type of the object being created.
Each time xv_create() is used, it creates a new and entirely different object. The type of
object that is returned depends on the package specified.
Panel panel;
panel = (Panel)xv_create(frame, PANEL, NULL);
Here, a panel is created as a child of a frame. As in the previous example, there are no attri-
bute-value pairs specified, so the panel is created with all the default values intrinsic to a gen-
eric panel object from the PANEL package. The panel is then installed inside the frame
accordingly. Panel items can be installed inside the panel as:
Panel_item button;
button = (Panel_item)xv_create(panel, PANEL_BUTTON,
Here, xv_create() is used to create a panel item of type PANEL_BUTTON. This is a special
type of object that is created inside of panels only. That is why the owner of the item is the
panel created in the previous example. In the attribute-value list provided in this example,
the label is set by specifying the PANEL_LABEL_STRING attribute and a string as the value
portion of the pair. Similarly, the callback routine specified is the routine called quit().
Because the intent of panel buttons is to select them with the pointer, the callback routine is
the function to call if the user presses the mouse button in the panel button item.
3.3.2 Using xv_find()
In all the examples so far, the routine xv_create() has been used to create new objects of
different types or classes. However, it might not always be possible to know whether or not a
particular object has been created. The best way to handle such cases is to use xv_find().
If the object has been created, xv_find() returns the handle to the pre-existing object; if
not, xv_find() creates it. The definition of the routine follows:
xv_find (owner, package,
Xv_object owner;
Xv_pkg package;
<attribute-value list>
Creating XView
Creating XView Applications 49
As you can see, the form of xv_find() is the same as xv_create(). Fonts are objects
that usually only need to be created once and are then used throughout the application wher-
ever necessary. For example, say the application needs to use the font named fixed (because
it is usually available on any X server and is almost guaranteed to be found). Several places
in the application need to use the font, but only one instance of the font needs to be created.
To avoid multiple instances of the object, the following function call is made:
Xv_Font my_font;
my_font = xv_find(frame, FONT,
FONT_NAME, "fixed",
This code segment demonstrates how xv_find() tries to find an existing font named fixed
that has already been created by the application. If the application has not yet created this
font, then xv_find() acts just like xv_create(), and a new font is created. This func-
tion is not intended to replace xv_create() at all. It is intended to be used in the case
where only one instance of an object is desired and that one instance is shared throughout the
application. While you could use xv_find() rather than xv_create() in the other
examples shown so far, the problem arises if you need two copies of a particular instance of
an object. For example, if you were going to create another PANEL using all the default val-
ues of the PANEL package, then xv_find() would return the previously created panel. Any
new objects attached to that panel would also be attached to the other panel because they are,
in fact, one and the same.
As shown, fonts are frequent users of the xv_find() function.*
3.3.3 Using xv_destroy()
The correct way for an XView application to exit is to destroy all objects created and call
exit() with an appropriate exit status. The function xv_destroy() destroys an instance
of an XView object. The function xv_destroy_safe() does the same thing but ensures
that it is safe to do so.† In general, it is better to be safe than sorry. The definition of these
routines are as follows:
Xv_opaque object;
Xv_opaque object;
The return value from the routines is either XV_OK or XV_ERROR. Example 3-2 in Section
3.1.5, “Example of XView-style Programming,” shows a base frame containing a panel
subwindow with one panel button created inside it. The callback routine for the panel item,
quit(), is intended to exit the application. Rather than actually calling exit(), a more
elegant way to exit would be to destroy all the objects that have been created. If a text
*Chapter 16, Fonts, describes how to create fonts using xv_find().
†Chapter 20, The Notifier, discusses the difference between a safe and an immediate destruction of an object.
50 XView Programming Manual

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