The Selection Service
This appendix describes the compatibility procedures and attributes that support the XView
Selection Service. If you are creating a new application that uses selections, refer to Chapter
18, Selections. This appendix is provided only for those who need to use the selection ser-
vice for compatibility reasons. It contains the text on selections that was found in older ver-
sions of this book. XView still supports the procedures and attributes described in this
appendix. Details on these procedures and attributes may be found in appendices in the
XView Reference Manual.
The X Window System provides several methods for separate applications to exchange infor-
mation with one another. One of these methods is the use of the selection service. A
selection transfers arbitrary information between two clients. An in-depth discussion of the
selection mechanism that X provides is discussed in Volume One, Xlib Programming Man-
ual. This chapter addresses XView’s programmatic interface to the selection service pro-
vided by the X server.
While XView provides all the functions for applications to set and get selections of various
sorts, OPEN LOOK applications must follow the conventions outlined in the OPEN LOOK GUI
Specification Guide. All XView packages that have interactive text entry support the ability
to make selections and to get selections from the server. In OPEN LOOK, you select objects in
basically the same way that you select windows or icons—using the SELECT and ADJUST
mouse buttons. OPEN LOOK describes three functions that operate on selected objects: CUT,
COPY, and PASTE. These are core functions that are accessed from the keyboard.* CUT,
COPY, and PASTE operations use the clipboard to keep track of selected objects. The clip-
board temporarily stores items selected via the selection service; it does not store selected
windows or icons since these are not considered selectable objects by the selection service.
*The function keys that are bound to these functions vary from keyboard to keyboard depending on the make and
model of the computer.
The Selection
The Selection Service 635
Table A-1 summarizes text selection for the OPEN LOOK GUI.
Table A-1. Selecting Text
Action Off Selection On Selection
Insert point is set at the pointer loca-
When SELECT is released, insert point
is set at pointer location and selection
is cleared.
Text is highlighted as pointer is
dragged (wipe-through selection).
Text move pointer is displayed.
When you release SELECT, text is
moved to pointer location if that loca-
tion is outside the highlighted area.
Extends the highlighting to the
pointer location extending either the
beginning or the end of the current
Moves the end of the highlighting to
the pointer location. Beginning of
selection is preserved.
Adjusts an existing selection as the
pointer is dragged (wipe-through).
Beginning of selection is anchored at
insert point.
Adjusts an existing selection as
pointer is dragged (wipe-through).
Beginning of selection is anchored at
insert point.
Note that although OPEN LOOK specifies the selection of graphic objects, no XView objects
currently support selection of graphical objects. A possible implementation is to have a can-
vas object, which has graphic objects displayed in it, set selections based on the event
sequences outlined in Table A-1. A draw application might consider a drawn geometric
shape as a graphic object, whereas a paint application might consider the pixels in an arbi-
trary area as the graphical object.
A.1 The XView Selection Model
The XView selection model is based upon the requestor/owner model of peer-to-peer com-
munications. The owner has the data representing the value of its selection, and the reques-
tor receives it.
In the X environment, all data transferred between an owner and a requestor must transfer via
the server. An X client cannot assume that another client can open the same files or even
communicate directly. Such assumptions might result in an application that does not work in
all network configurations or across heterogeneous computer architectures.
X makes provisions for selections and therefore generates certain events such as Proper-
tyNotify when a selection is acquired. For XView to implement its selection service,
XView tracks all events that might be generated from selections. Because of this, you cannot
use any of the selection mechanisms provided by Xlib. If you do, you will generate events
that you will not be able to receive and that XView will be confused about.
636 XView Programming Manual
The XView selection library deals with four discrete ranks under the general term selection.
Those ranks are: primary, secondary, shelf, and caret. Most familiar is the primary selection,
which is normally indicated on the screen by inverting (highlighting) its contents. Selections
made while a function key is held down (usually indicated with an underscore under the
selection) are considered secondary selections.* These selections are used when the primary
selection must be left undisturbed. The shelf (or clipboard) selection is used by the CUT and
COPY operations to load the selection, while the PASTE operation retrieves the selection.
Finally, the caret (the insertion point for interactive text objects) is also treated as a selection
even though it has no contents.
When a user interface element, such as a text subwindow, wants to allow the user to make a
selection, it must have a selection client. Through this client, the text subwindow can acquire
a selection rank (primary, secondary, etc) and provide it with data (text). An application can
have many such clients, but there is typically one client per XView object. Each selection
rank is associated with each client—a separate client need not be created just to utilize other
selection ranks. However, only one client can be the holder of a particular selection rank at
any one time. If a client wishes to acquire the selection, the current selection holder must
yield the selection to the new requestor. The client becomes the new holder of the selection
and might provide any data it chooses.
A.2 Using the Selection Service
It is not necessary to create a selection service client just to query the holder of a selection or
to get its contents. Since this is the most common usage, most of this chapter is dedicated to
explaining this level of functionality. Creating a selection is typically used internally by
packages in the XView library or by applications that wish to create their own objects that
need to communicate via the selection service. Doing this is generally very intricate and
complicated and is beyond the scope of this manual.
Nevertheless, to understand how to create a selection service client, it is best to learn how to
request information from an existing client. Once you understand what to expect from a
selection, you can understand how to create a client that provides information from other
requests. Therefore, the bulk of the chapter addresses the process of querying for selections
already provided by XView packages or other X-based applications.
OPEN LOOK assigns to function keys the special functions COPY, CUT, and PASTE. The
function keys generate and correspond to the XView events ACTION_CUT, ACTION_COPY,
and ACTION_PASTE. An OPEN LOOK application checks the state of these keys and modifies
the selection rank accordingly. Note that it is the responsibility of the XView application
(more specifically, each XView package) to set the state of the server’s selection rank
according to the state of some function keys. Unless you are writing your own XView pack-
age (a topic that this book does not address), you need not concern yourself about it.
*Which function key depends on your particular computer. By default the L6 function key should work for Sun
Workstations or the F6 key for other computers.
The Selection
The Selection Service 637
Even though XView packages might query for the state of function keys, this does not inter-
fere with normal event processing. All events that your application has registered to receive
are not affected by the selection service. Note, however, that while the selection service
might react to the state of these function keys, any action you take as a result of these keys
might result in a dual action and might confuse the user. For example, if your application is
coded to change the font of a text subwindow in the event of an L8-up event, you will not
only get that event, but the selection service also gets it and will PASTE the contents of the
shelf selection.
Whenever using the selection service either as a client or to query the selection from another
client, application code must include the header file <xview/seln.h>. This file includes the
files <xview/sel_svc.h> and <xview/sel_attrs.h>, which provide external declarations of
available functions and data types.
A.3 Getting the Current Selection
Determining the current selection involves two steps: determining the holder of the current
selection and getting the actual selection data from the holder. To determine who is holding
the selection of a specified rank:
selection_inquire(server, rank)
Xv_Server server;
Seln_rank rank;
The returned holder is used in other selection routines that allow you to access selection
data for that rank. For example, the call selection_ask() asks for the data held by the
holder of the selection. The form of the call is:
Seln_request *
selection_ask(server, holder,
Xv_Server server;
Seln_holder *holder;
<attribute-value list>
The holder in this case is the address of the holder returned from the call to
The server is important to all the selection service routines because it identifies the X server
in which the selection is associated. Because X applications can communicate with more
than one server, specifying different servers can result in getting different selections.
The Seln_rank specifies which selection type you want. Its value corresponds with the
four selection ranks outlined in the beginning of the chapter. However, there are six legal
values in this enumerated data type:
SELN_UNKNOWN This is an error value, not a value you would use as a parameter or
a legal or known rank.
SELN_CARET The caret selection is used with text subwindows and text panel
items. It is usually used to describe where the insertion point is
within the corresponding text stream of the object so there is no
638 XView Programming Manual
data associated with the caret selection. This selection type is not
very widely used.
SELN_PRIMARY The primary selection is the most widely used and is usually the
default type in most user interfaces and applications.
SELN_SECONDARY As noted earlier, the secondary selection is only used if the pri-
mary selection must not be removed or lost—or if it must remain
clearly visible (visually selected) on the screen.
SELN_SHELF The selection buffers are stored in files. Clients of the selection
service do not access these files; the selection service just uses
them as temporary storage for data. As noted, this is not a good
place to hold selections.
SELN_UNSPECIFIED When this rank is used, either the primary or the secondary
selection is used depending on the state of the appropriate function
keys. This is usually passed as the rank parameter to
selection_ask() returns a pointer to a Seln_request data structure. The function
goes out and asks the server for the selection associated with the rank described in the
holder parameter. All the information about the selection is held in this data structure.
The attribute-value list following the holder parameter describes the attributes of the
selection you are interested in.
Before we go on, let’s show an example program that illustrates what we have covered so far.
The simple program in Example A-1 has a panel button that prints the current primary
selection to the standard output. The selection can be held by any client on the server.
Example A-1. The simple_seln.c program
* simple_seln.c -- print the primary selection by pressing the panel
* button. The selection may have originated from any window or
* application on the server.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <xview/xview.h>
#include <xview/panel.h>
#include <xview/server.h>
#include <xview/seln.h>
Xv_Server server;
main(argc, argv)
char *argv[ ];
Frame frame;
Panel panel;
void exit();
int print_seln();
xv_init(XV_INIT_ARGC_PTR_ARGV, &argc, argv, NULL);
The Selection
The Selection Service 639
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