Modifying or Removing Log Shipping
After configuring log shipping you can edit, add, or remove a log shipping configuration. For example, you can add another secondary server to the log shipping configuration. Or you may want to change the schedule of the backup, copy, or restore jobs. At some times you may need to remove a secondary server from the log shipping configuration or remove log shipping completely from all the participating servers.
To modify or remove log shipping, follow these steps:
1. In the Object Explorer on the primary server in SQL Server Management Studio, right-click the log shipping database, and look at the database properties.
2. Under Select a Page, click Transaction Log Shipping page, (refer to
Figure 26.8).
3. To modify the parameters of the copy or restore jobs on the secondary server, highlight the secondary server under Secondary Server instances and databases and click the ellipsis (…).
4. To add a new secondary server, click Add under Secondary Server Instances and Databases. Follow steps 9 through 16 in the section “Configuring Log Shipping Using Management Studio.”
5. To remove a secondary server, highlight the secondary server under Secondary Server Instances and Databases; click Remove. Log shipping can verify if you want to remove the secondary server, as shown in
Figure 26.11. If you are sure, click Yes.
When Yes is clicked, log shipping deletes the secondary database entry on the primary server, as shown in
Figure 26.12. You can also ...