Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Basically, interatomic forces are:     ( )
    1. electrostatic in nature
    2. gravitational forces
    3. magnetic forces
    4. short-range forces
  2. Primary bonds are _____ in nature     ( )
    1. intermolecular
    2. interatomic
    3. Vanderwaals forces
    4. none
  3. Primary bonds are:     ( )
    1. ionic bonds
    2. covalent bonds
    3. metallic bonds
    4. all
  4. Bonding or cohesive energy is defined as:     ( )
    1. the amount of energy required to separate atoms to an infinite distance
    2. the amount of energy evolved when a bond is formed
    3. a and b
    4. none
  5. Examples for ionic crystals are:     ( )
    1. NaCl and KBr
    2. MgO and KI
    3. K2O and LiH
    4. all
  6. Ionic crystals     ( )
    1. are rigid and possess high melting and boiling points
    2. in solution conduct electricity
    3. are easily soluble in polar solvents like water ...

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