Review Questions
  1. What is piezo electricity?


    (Set-1–Sept. 2007), (Set-2–May 2004), (Set-2–May 2003)

  2. With usual notations, show that P = 0(r – 1)E.


    (Set-3–Sept. 2007), (Set-1–May 2004), (Set-4–Nov. 2004), (Set-1–May 2003)

  3. What is dipolar relaxation? Discuss the frequency dependence of orientational polarization.


    (Set-3–Sept. 2007), (Set-1–May 2004), (Set-4–Nov. 2004), (Set-1–May 2003)

  4. Explain electronic polarization in atoms and obtain an expression for electronic polarizability in terms of the radius of the atom.


    (Set-4–May 2007), (Set-4–May 2004), (Set-3–Nov. 2004), (Set-4–May 2003)

  5. Explain Clausius–Mosotti relation in dielectrics subjected to static fields.


    (Set-1–Sept. 2008), (Set-1–June 2005), (Set-3–June 2005), (Set-3–May 2003) ...

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