


Starts side-by-side comparison between the active window and another window. Side-by-side comparison links the scrolling of the two windows so that you can more easily compare different versions of a workbook. Use BreakSideBySide to turn off this comparison.

The following code demonstrates turning side-by-side comparison on and off. Ordinarily, you would open two existing versions of a workbook, but I create the second version here so that the demonstration is self-contained:

Sub TestBeginSideBySide(  )
    Dim fpath As String, wnd As Window
    ' Get the window for active workbook.
    Set wnd = Application.ActiveWindow
    ' Get the workbook's full filename.
    fname = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" &
    ' Change it to a new filename.
    fname = VBA.Replace(fname, ".xls", "_v2.xls")
    ' Save a copy of the workbook.
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs fpath
    ' Open the copy (makes the copy the active window).
    Application.Workbooks.Open fname
    ' Turn on side-by-side comparision.
    Application.Windows.CompareSideBySideWith wnd.Caption
End Sub
Sub TestEndSideBySide(  )
    ' Turn off side-by-side comparision.
End Sub

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