Testing the Loaders

The constructor for LoadersTests creates the images canvas (a SoundsPanel object) and the rest of the GUI, and it initializes the loaders:

    // the clip and midi sound information files, located in Sounds/
    private final static String SNDS_FILE = "clipsInfo.txt";
    private final static String MIDIS_FILE = "midisInfo.txt";

    // global variables
    private ClipsLoader clipsLoader;
    private MidisLoader midisLoader;

    public LoadersTests()
    { super( "Sounds Tests" );
      Container c = getContentPane();
      c.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );

      SoundsPanel sp = new SoundsPanel(this);   // the images canvas
      c.add( sp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
      initGUI(c);                        // the rest of the controls

      // initialise the loaders
      clipsLoader = new ClipsLoader(SNDS_FILE);
      clipsLoader.setWatcher("dog", this);     // watch the dog clip

      midisLoader = new MidisLoader(MIDIS_FILE);
      midisLoader.setWatcher(this);        // watch the midi sequence

      addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ev) {
          midisLoader.close();   // shut down the sequencer

      setResizable(false);  // fixed size display
      centerFrame();        // placed in the center of the screen

Watching the Loaders

As part of the loaders setup, setWatcher() is called in the ClipsLoader and MidisLoader objects:

    clipsLoader.setWatcher("dog", this);    // watch the dog clip

    midisLoader.setWatcher(this);           // watch midi playing

A call to setWatcher() tells the loader that this object (LoadersTest) should be notified whenever ...

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