Chapter 1

1.Deborah M. Kolb, “Will You Thrive or Just Survive?” Negotiation Newsletter (Harvard Business School Publishing, January, 2005).
2.When I introduce this model in workshops, I often joke that it is so old that it was chiseled on the other side of the Ten Commandments. In fact, the reference I found was nineteenth century. Elias St. Elmo Lewis proposed the first effects model named the AIDA model—which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action—in 1898. The model described the sequential process that consumers must go through to make a purchase. By 1925, the model had become so prevalent, it was estimated that 90 percent of the persons engaged in selling were influenced by either the AIDA model or one of its variations. I changed Desire to Decision to make the model more appropriate to negotiation, and Action to Implementation since Action implies transactional selling while Implementation infers a longer process for the transfer of goods and services.

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