Practical Application

Table 9.1 provides a summary list of all the adversarial tactics discussed in this chapter. Based on reading this chapter and your experience, check the adversarial tactics that have been used on you, or are likely to cause trouble for you.

Table 9.1. Adversarial Tactics
Authority escalationLast and final offer
Bluffing/lyingMissing man maneuver
Cherry pickingNibbling
Crunch timeNonnegotiable demands
Deadline pressurePersonal attack
DeadlockPoor mouthing
Divide and conquerRed herring
Emotional outburst (a.k.a. the artful freak-out)Rules
Simple solutions
End runSplit the difference
Fait accompliSurprises
Funny moneyTake it or leave it
Good guy/bad guyThreats

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