Using QR Codes for Education
Schools and classrooms are great places for QR Codes. These days, people learn as much on the web as they do in the classroom. QR Codes are the perfect bridge between the two.
Another advantage of QR Codes in education is the receptive audience that’s waiting for them. A recent study by the Dachis Group showed that 81 percent of college students own smartphones. Young people are early adopters: They embrace new technologies easily, eagerly, and more quickly than others.
QR Codes in education are like a square, black-and-white petri dish that students will examine and study. Soon teachers and other people will be marveling at their growth in schools around the world.
Here are some ways that administrators, teachers, and students can start experimenting with QR Codes.
For administrators
The administrators at my schools — admittedly a few years back — were all about order, communication, and efficiency. QR Codes could have helped them do their jobs better. That’s why I’m happy to suggest these ways for the modern, smartphone-toting administrator.
Get feedback. Link a QR Code to a poll or feedback page so students, teachers, and parents can ask questions, share comments, and make complaints.
Get fast action. Post a QR Code in trouble spots in the school so ...
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