The Syntax of XQL

A hypothetical XQL engine is presented with two pieces of information: the search context and the query.

The search context may be a flat XML file or a reference to a file. The form this takes is up to the individual implementations. Unless stated otherwise, we will be using movies.xml in all our examples (see Listing 22.1).

Listing 22.1. Listing for Movies.xml
 <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE movies SYSTEM "Movies.dtd" [ <!NOTATION JPEG SYSTEM "c:\progra~1\intern~1\IExplore.exe"> <!-- <!NOTATION JPEG SYSTEM "IExplore.exe"> --> <!ENTITY raposter SYSTEM "RAPoster.jpg" NDATA JPEG> <!ENTITY mrposter SYSTEM "MRPoster.jpg" NDATA JPEG> <!ENTITY tusposter SYSTEM "TUSPoster.jpg" NDATA JPEG> <!ENTITY taposter SYSTEM ...

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