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Determinant 6
The Ultimate War Game
From Chambers Concise Dictionary:
Global: spherical; worldwide; affecting, or taking into
consideration the whole world or all peoples
The Google brand is well-recognized globally as the information
hotspot on the world wide web. The brand design changes to
mark holidays and events, but it is consistently recognized.
(Google logos © 2009. Google Inc. Used with permission.)
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Go Logo! A Handbook to the Art of Global Branding120
he word “global,” as defined, has a benign, rather abstract feeling to it.
“Globalization,” however, is a strong catch-all word that describes an irrevers-
ible process that has an impact on everything in our lives. Its frequent use in
the media ignites tremendous prejudices and starts many arguments. Is global-
ization good for us? Globalization does help spread the influence of “brands of
meaning” and adds to the complexity of doing business globally or locally.
In a meta-economic sense, globalization
is essentially the process of global conver-
gence. Capital flows to where it earns best
returns. Manufacturing goes where costs
are less or technology represents the best
value. Distribution systems—both bricks and
mortar and online—offer a cornucopia of
products and services. The world might be
dangerous and uncertain, but everyday life
is better for billions of people.
global marketing =
increased competition
Globalization and
control of global
capital flows
global clash
of systems
impact of medical
and scientific
rapid technological
cultural blurring
global political strife
health concerns
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121Twelve Key Determinants to Creating Successful Brands
The New York City–based
Metropolitan Opera is a
globally recognized institu-
tion. (Design: Paula Scher,
Pentagram; Photo: James
A New Old Paradigm
We are once more living in uncertain times,
and in a societal persuasion context, history
may well be repeating itself. We are again
in one of man’s oldest forms of conflict: a
global struggle between “belief systems,”
this time with Islamic terrorist groups bas-
ing their hatred on an extremist version of
traditional Islamic faith.
As we sip our Starbucks, we can’t escape
the reality that we are all now indisputably
caught up in competing societal persuasion
campaigns. Al-Qaeda and other forms of
extremism, confronting us under a variety
of names and branded identities, are per-
haps this age’s ultimate example of negative
emotional branding. The rhetoric is harsh,
and the product promise is fear, death, and
destruction. There is no targeting of hopes
(and certainly not much in the way of man-
aging our fears) from this fanatic societal
persuasion brand.
But there is some good news. An increasing
number of well-organized and well-funded
branded campaigns are beginning to focus
on global wars to wipe out poverty and
eradicate hunger and disease. Creative brand
warriors have an obligation to help clients
very publicly address the issues that threaten
our world.
Global organizations that manage the biggest
and most influential commercial persuasion
brands can lead the way by their actions and
through well-targeted branding campaigns.
The brand message must truly be based on
targeting hopes and managing fears.
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Go Logo! A Handbook to the Art of Global Branding122
The Martell cognac packaging aptly reflects its elegant and
luxurious positioning worldwide. (Design: Dragon Rouge)
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