Session Builders Series 100: 60 Exercises for Management and Supervisory Training

Book description

Session Builders Series 100 covers over 20 of the most important management and supervisory skills, from active listening to time management.With more than 200 exercise options and variations you will always have a choice of realistic, easy-to-use designs that will add something extra to your training programs. Each Session Builder exercise is short, simple to run and debrief. The exercises are provided in a completely detailed manner, so that there are no surprises for the end-user at any point in the training process.

Table of contents

  1. Session Builders Series 100: 60 Exercises for Management and Supervisory Training
    1. Volume I: Exercises 101 – 125
      1. Copyright
      2. Guidelines for Improving Your Session (1/2)
      3. Guidelines for Improving Your Session (2/2)
        1. To the Leader
        2. Leading a Discussion
        3. Using Handouts
        4. Handling Questions
        5. Role Play Guidelines
      4. How to Find the Right Session Builders Exercise (1/2)
      5. How to Find the Right Session Builders Exercise (2/2)
      6. 101 – Blue Monday (1/6)
      7. 101 – Blue Monday (2/6)
      8. 101 – Blue Monday (3/6)
      9. 101 – Blue Monday (4/6)
      10. 101 – Blue Monday (5/6)
      11. 101 – Blue Monday (6/6)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. Instructions
      12. 102 – A Behavior Problem (1/3)
      13. 102 – A Behavior Problem (2/3)
      14. 102 – A Behavior Problem (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Analysis Sheet
        6. Analysis Sheet Example
      15. 103 – Enhancing the Motivational Climate (1/2)
      16. 103 – Enhancing the Motivational Climate (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. Part A
        7. Part B
      17. 104 – Snowflake (1/4)
      18. 104 – Snowflake (2/4)
      19. 104 – Snowflake (3/4)
      20. 104 – Snowflake (4/4)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Role for the Heavy-Handed Leader
        6. Role for the Democratic Leader
        7. Role for the Non-Leader
        8. Observer’s Checklist
      21. 105 – The Marty Incident (1/3)
      22. 105 – The Marty Incident (2/3)
      23. 105 – The Marty Incident (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. Case Study/Role Play
        7. Discussion Questions
      24. 106 – Getting to the Root of a Problem (1/2)
      25. 106 – Getting to the Root of a Problem (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Application Exercise
      26. 107 – A Natural Disaster (1/3)
      27. 107 – A Natural Disaster (2/3)
      28. 107 – A Natural Disaster (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Objective Statement
        6. Guidelines
      29. 108 – How should I handle it? (1/6)
      30. 108 – How should I handle it? (2/6)
      31. 108 – How should I handle it? (3/6)
      32. 108 – How should I handle it? (4/6)
      33. 108 – How should I handle it? (5/6)
      34. 108 – How should I handle it? (6/6)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. Manager A—for the Marginal Worker
        7. Marginal Worker
        8. Manager B—for the Average Performer
        9. Average Performer
        10. Manager C—for Above-Average/Outstanding Producer
        11. Above-Average/Outstanding Producer
        12. Observer’s Checklist for Marginal Worker
        13. Observer’s Checklist for Average Performer
        14. Observer’s Checklist for Above-Average/Outstanding Producer
      35. 109 – Are these reports really necessary? (1/5)
      36. 109 – Are these reports really necessary? (2/5)
      37. 109 – Are these reports really necessary? (3/5)
      38. 109 – Are these reports really necessary? (4/5)
      39. 109 – Are these reports really necessary? (5/5)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Notes
        6. Case #1—Employee
        7. Case #1—Manager
        8. Case #2—Employee
        9. Case #2—Manager
        10. Case #3—Employee
        11. Case #3—Manager
        12. Observer’s Sheet
      40. 110 – Space Tower (1/3)
      41. 110 – Space Tower (2/3)
      42. 110 – Space Tower (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Notes
        6. Instructions
        7. Cost-Effectiveness Sheet
        8. Bid Sheet
      43. 111 – Lookers and Runners (1/3)
      44. 111 – Lookers and Runners (2/3)
      45. 111 – Lookers and Runners (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Notes
        6. Instructions for the Simulation Exercise
      46. 112 – What are we doing? (1/5)
      47. 112 – What are we doing? (2/5)
      48. 112 – What are we doing? (3/5)
      49. 112 – What are we doing? (4/5)
      50. 112 – What are we doing? (5/5)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Instructions
        6. Instructions for Leader (A)
      51. 113 – Setting Objectives and Standards (1/5)
      52. 113 – Setting Objectives and Standards (2/5)
      53. 113 – Setting Objectives and Standards (3/5)
      54. 113 – Setting Objectives and Standards (4/5)
      55. 113 – Setting Objectives and Standards (5/5)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Notes
        6. Part I
        7. Part II
        8. Poorly Written Objectives—Manufacturing
        9. Poorly Written Objectives—Administrative
        10. Poorly Written Objectives—Information Technology
        11. Poorly-Written Objectives—Financial
        12. Poorly-Written Objectives—Sales
      56. 114 – Leadership in Action (1/6)
      57. 114 – Leadership in Action (2/6)
      58. 114 – Leadership in Action (3/6)
      59. 114 – Leadership in Action (4/6)
      60. 114 – Leadership in Action (5/6)
      61. 114 – Leadership in Action (6/6)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. Instructions and Common Problems
        7. Counseling for Excessive Tardiness
        8. Counseling for Excessive Absenteeism
        9. Counseling for Coffee Breaks Lasting Too Long
        10. Counseling for a Poor Attitude
        11. Counseling for Disrupting Others
        12. Counseling Employees Who Refuse to Cooperate
        13. Counseling for Physical Confrontations
        14. Counseling for Poor or Inappropriate Hygiene
        15. Delegating a New Work Assignment
        16. Counseling for Late Reports
        17. Counseling Complaint for Unfair Workloads
        18. Counseling for Resistance to Change
        19. Handling Welcoming Phase of Orientation
        20. Training an Employee to Staple Papers
        21. Training a Transferred Employee
        22. Counseling for Job Corrections
        23. Resolving Excessive Work Overload with Manager
        24. Discussing New Ruling with Your Manager
        25. Requesting Development for Employees
        26. Resolving Peer Supervision Conflict
        27. Observer’s Form A, B, C
        28. Observer’s Form D
        29. Observer’s Form E
      62. 115 – You’ve Got What It Takes to Do It (1/3)
      63. 115 – You’ve Got What It Takes to Do It (2/3)
      64. 115 – You’ve Got What It Takes to Do It (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. Role for the Manager
        7. Role for the Employee
      65. 116 – Time Flies (1/4)
      66. 116 – Time Flies (2/4)
      67. 116 – Time Flies (3/4)
      68. 116 – Time Flies (4/4)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process (Problem Solving/Decision Making)
        3. Process (Time Management)
        4. Discussion (Time Management)
        5. Options/Variations
        6. Case Study
        7. Problem Solving/Decision Making
        8. Time Management
      69. 117 – The Big Turn-Ons
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
      70. 118 – Making the Meeting Meaningful (1/3)
      71. 118 – Making the Meeting Meaningful (2/3)
      72. 118 – Making the Meeting Meaningful (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Note
        5. Guidelines for Leaders/Observers
        6. Guidelines for Trainer/Facilitator
        7. Guidelines for Trainer/Facilitator
      73. 119 – Job Breakdown Analysis (1/3)
      74. 119 – Job Breakdown Analysis (2/3)
      75. 119 – Job Breakdown Analysis (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. A
        7. B
        8. C
      76. 120 – What’s the problem? (1/3)
      77. 120 – What’s the problem? (2/3)
      78. 120 – What’s the problem? (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Case Study
        6. Flow Chart
        7. Questions
      79. 121 – The New Project (1/4)
      80. 121 – The New Project (2/4)
      81. 121 – The New Project (3/4)
      82. 121 – The New Project (4/4)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Notes
        5. Role for Leader
        6. Role for Agreeable Group Member
        7. Role for Aggressive Group Member
        8. Role for Group Member with Outside Interests
        9. Role for Resistant Group Member
        10. Role for Self-Centered Group Member
        11. Role for Passive Group Member
        12. Observer’s Checklist
      83. 122 – The Case of Mr. Z (1/4)
      84. 122 – The Case of Mr. Z (2/4)
      85. 122 – The Case of Mr. Z (3/4)
      86. 122 – The Case of Mr. Z (4/4)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Engineering/Technical
        5. Manufacturing
        6. Financial
        7. Sales
        8. Analysis Outline
      87. 123 – The Case of Mr. Y (1/5)
      88. 123 – The Case of Mr. Y (2/5)
      89. 123 – The Case of Mr. Y (3/5)
      90. 123 – The Case of Mr. Y (4/5)
      91. 123 – The Case of Mr. Y (5/5)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Note
        5. Manufacturing
        6. Information Technology
        7. Insurance
        8. Banking
        9. Engineering
        10. Government Agency
        11. Analysis Sheet
        12. Problem-Solving Outline
      92. 124 – Reactions to Errors and Failures (1/2)
      93. 124 – Reactions to Errors and Failures (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Situation 1
        6. Situation 2
        7. Situation 3
      94. 125 – You Could Do this Job in Your Sleep (1/4)
      95. 125 – You Could Do this Job in Your Sleep (2/4)
      96. 125 – You Could Do this Job in Your Sleep (3/4)
      97. 125 – You Could Do this Job in Your Sleep (4/4)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Positive Aspects
        4. Negative Aspects
        5. Discussion
        6. Options/Variations
        7. Note
        8. Engineering
        9. Manufacturing
        10. Administrative
        11. Finance
    2. Volume II: Exercises 126 – 160
      1. Copyright
      2. Guidelines for Improving Your Session (1/2)
      3. Guidelines for Improving Your Session (2/2)
        1. To the Leader
        2. Leading a Discussion
        3. Using Handouts
        4. Handling Questions
        5. Role Play Guidelines
      4. How to Find the Right Session Builders Exercise (1/2)
      5. How to Find the Right Session Builders Exercise (2/2)
      6. 126 – What horseplay? (1/3)
      7. 126 – What horseplay? (2/3)
      8. 126 – What horseplay? (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Case Study
        6. Answer Sheet (for Facilitator only)
      9. 127 – Decision Making in Practice (1/4)
      10. 127 – Decision Making in Practice (2/4)
      11. 127 – Decision Making in Practice (3/4)
      12. 127 – Decision Making in Practice (4/4)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Role for the Manager
        6. Role for Accountant #1
        7. Role for Accountant #2
        8. Role for Accountant #3
        9. Observer Sheet
      13. 128 – Measuring a Problem (1/3)
      14. 128 – Measuring a Problem (2/3)
      15. 128 – Measuring a Problem (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Part I—Measuring Employee Behavior
        6. Part II—Assessing the Need
        7. Breakdown of Issues in Part II
      16. 129 – Sensitivity to Others (1/2)
      17. 129 – Sensitivity to Others (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Role Play/Case Study
      18. 130 – What’s it worth? (1/3)
      19. 130 – What’s it worth? (2/3)
      20. 130 – What’s it worth? (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Invoice #1
        6. Invoice #2
        7. Average Invoice Figures Sheet
      21. 131 – Motivators and Satisfiers (1/2)
      22. 131 – Motivators and Satisfiers (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Notes
        6. Part I
        7. Part II
      23. 132 – Supervisory Styles (1/3)
      24. 132 – Supervisory Styles (2/3)
      25. 132 – Supervisory Styles (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. Statement Exercise
        7. Scoring Instructions
        8. Line Diagram
      26. 133 – The Errors We Make (1/2)
      27. 133 – The Errors We Make (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
      28. 134 – What do you know about EEO? (1/3)
      29. 134 – What do you know about EEO? (2/3)
      30. 134 – What do you know about EEO? (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Note
        5. EEO/Fair Employment Inventory Sheet
        6. Answers to EEO/Fair Employment Inventory
      31. 135 – Chocolate or Vanilla (1/2)
      32. 135 – Chocolate or Vanilla (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
      33. 136 – The Best/Worst Decision Maker (1/3)
      34. 136 – The Best/Worst Decision Maker (2/3)
      35. 136 – The Best/Worst Decision Maker (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. The Worst Decision Maker: Question Sheet for Group A
        6. The Best Decision Maker: Question Sheet for Group B
      36. 137 – Fogging the Message (1/2)
      37. 137 – Fogging the Message (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
      38. 138 – I’ll Never Forget It (1/2)
      39. 138 – I’ll Never Forget It (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Notes
      40. 139 – Painless Time Log (1/4)
      41. 139 – Painless Time Log (2/4)
      42. 139 – Painless Time Log (3/4)
      43. 139 – Painless Time Log (4/4)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Notes
        5. Daily Time Log
        6. Daily Time Log
      44. 140 – Three-Letter Words (1/2)
      45. 140 – Three-Letter Words (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
      46. 141 – Getting Through the Sound Barriers (1/3)
      47. 141 – Getting Through the Sound Barriers (2/3)
      48. 141 – Getting Through the Sound Barriers (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Notes
        6. Answer Sheet
      49. 142 – Work Pressures (1/7)
      50. 142 – Work Pressures (2/7)
      51. 142 – Work Pressures (3/7)
      52. 142 – Work Pressures (4/7)
      53. 142 – Work Pressures (5/7)
      54. 142 – Work Pressures (6/7)
      55. 142 – Work Pressures (7/7)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Notes
        5. Environment/Vulnerability/Stressor Factors
        6. Environment/Vulnerability/Stressor Factors
        7. Environment/Vulnerability/Stressor Factors
        8. Environment/Vulnerability/Stressor Factors
        9. Stages of Life
        10. Application Exercise
        11. Vulnerability Checklist
        12. Scoring Directions
        13. Environmental Survey
        14. Scoring Directions
        15. Stressor Checklist
        16. Scoring Directions
        17. Completing Your Own Diagram
      56. 143 – If I Had Known (1/2)
      57. 143 – If I Had Known (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Notes
      58. 144 – There’s Another Way to Say It (1/2)
      59. 144 – There’s Another Way to Say It (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Situation 1
        6. Situation 2
        7. Situation 3
        8. Situation 4
      60. 145 – What you’re really saying is. . . (1/2)
      61. 145 – What you’re really saying is. . . (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Statement 1:
        5. Statement 2:
        6. Statement 3:
        7. Statement 4:
        8. Statement 5:
        9. Options/Variations
      62. 146 – I’m Okay—You’re Not Okay (1/3)
      63. 146 – I’m Okay—You’re Not Okay (2/3)
      64. 146 – I’m Okay—You’re Not Okay (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. Observer’s Checklist
      65. 147 – Finding the Right Applicant (1/4)
      66. 147 – Finding the Right Applicant (2/4)
      67. 147 – Finding the Right Applicant (3/4)
      68. 147 – Finding the Right Applicant (4/4)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. Part I—Qualifying the Questions
        7. Part I—Qualifying the Questions
        8. Part II—Probing the Responses
        9. Part II—Probing the Responses
      69. 148 – A Selection Interview (1/3)
      70. 148 – A Selection Interview (2/3)
      71. 148 – A Selection Interview (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. Role Play Exercise—The Interviewer
        7. Role Play Exercise—The Applicant
        8. Observer’s Sheet
      72. 149 – Can I take Friday off? (1/2)
      73. 149 – Can I take Friday off? (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
      74. 150 – Become a Better Speller (1/3)
      75. 150 – Become a Better Speller (2/3)
      76. 150 – Become a Better Speller (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Notes
        6. Part I
        7. Part II
      77. 151 – Less Is More (1/4)
      78. 151 – Less Is More (2/4)
      79. 151 – Less Is More (3/4)
      80. 151 – Less Is More (4/4)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Instruction Sheet
        5. Exercise Sheet
        6. Answer Sheet
        7. Suggested Revision Sheet
        8. Explanation Sheet (for Trainer’s Information)
      81. 152 – Big Words: Use Them More for Catching than for Pitching (1/5)
      82. 152 – Big Words: Use Them More for Catching than for Pitching (2/5)
      83. 152 – Big Words: Use Them More for Catching than for Pitching (3/5)
      84. 152 – Big Words: Use Them More for Catching than for Pitching (4/5)
      85. 152 – Big Words: Use Them More for Catching than for Pitching (5/5)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Note
        5. Exercise Sheet #1
        6. Exercise Sheet #2
        7. Exercise Sheet #3
      86. 153 – What do you mean? (1/2)
      87. 153 – What do you mean? (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
      88. 154 – The Gruff Manager (1/6)
      89. 154 – The Gruff Manager (2/6)
      90. 154 – The Gruff Manager (3/6)
      91. 154 – The Gruff Manager (4/6)
      92. 154 – The Gruff Manager (5/6)
      93. 154 – The Gruff Manager (6/6)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Note
        6. Role for Superior—Manufacturing
        7. Role for Manager—Manufacturing
        8. Role for Superior—Sales
        9. Role for Manager—Sales
        10. Role for Superior—Finance
        11. Role for Manager—Finance
        12. Role for Superior—Engineering/Technical
        13. Role for Manager—Engineering/Technical
        14. Role for Superior—IT
        15. Role for Manager—IT
        16. Role for Observer
      94. 155 – One-Way/Two-Way Communication (1/3)
      95. 155 – One-Way/Two-Way Communication (2/3)
      96. 155 – One-Way/Two-Way Communication (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Diagram #1
        5. Diagram #2
        6. Diagram #3
      97. 156 – Impossible Things (1/2)
      98. 156 – Impossible Things (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Notes
      99. 157 – Heroes and Heroines
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Note
      100. 158 – Task Force (1/2)
      101. 158 – Task Force (2/2)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process
        3. Discussion
        4. Options/Variations
        5. Notes
      102. 159 – Defining Your Role (1/3)
      103. 159 – Defining Your Role (2/3)
      104. 159 – Defining Your Role (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Instruction Sheet
        5. Suggested Assignment Areas
      105. 160 – Saying It Assertively (1/3)
      106. 160 – Saying It Assertively (2/3)
      107. 160 – Saying It Assertively (3/3)
        1. Preparation
        2. Process/Discussion
        3. Options/Variations
        4. Note
        5. Part I
        6. Part II
        7. Part III

Product information

  • Title: Session Builders Series 100: 60 Exercises for Management and Supervisory Training
  • Author(s): TRC Interactive, Inc.
  • Release date: June 2010
  • Publisher(s): HRD Press
  • ISBN: 9781599962030