Converting Features to Rasters
The next task will be to convert the vector-based feature classes to raster-based geodatasets.
____ 7. Using List By Source, verify that the T/C shows Soils as data from
____ 8. In ArcToolbox go to Conversion Tools > To Raster > Feature to Raster and run the tool. Select Soils from the drop-down menu. For Field, pick SUIT. If the Output cell size is not 10, make it 10. For the Output raster, browse to
For the name type Soils_rr10m (rr being our designation for raster resolution; 10m meaning 10 meters). Click Save. Check the Feature to Raster window and click OK if all the boxes say what they should. The status bar will show the progress and a popup window will tell you when the process is done.
Creating a raster in this way will put a raster dataset in the folder you specified and also add a layer to your map. By clicking List By Source in the T/C you can note that the raster dataset goes into the personal geodatabase Wildcat_Boat_SA.mdb.
____ 9. Go back to List By Drawing Order and, if Soils isn’t already the topmost layer, make it so. The raster layer Soils_rr10m should be just below it. Make the Soils layer Hollow or No Color, so you can see both the raster, and also the polygon boundaries. Zoom in on the northernmost point of land in the northwest quadrant ...

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