Appendix C. Converters and Filters

Previous versions of Word and many other applications do not fully support all of the features available in Word 2000. When Word opens or saves a document as something other than a .doc file, it uses text converters to change the file format to be more compatible with other applications. If a document contains graphics, Word uses graphic filters to open and save images.

Other Office applications use the same text converters and graphic filters as Word. All of these filters and converters are installed in the following locations:

  • Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextConv

  • Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Grphflt

Text Converters

Table C-1 lists all of the text formats that are native to Word 2000 and need no conversion. Table C-2 lists all of the text converters supplied with Word.

Table C-1. Word 2000 Native Text Formats


File Extension

Word 2000 and Word 97 for Windows


Word 98 for the Macintosh



.htm and .html



MS-DOS Text with Line Breaks


Rich Text Format


Text Only


Text with Line Breaks


Unicode Text


Word 6.0/95 for Windows and Macintosh


Word 4.x-5.1 for Macintosh (import only)


Word 2.0 and 1.0 for Windows (import only)


Table C-2. Text Converters Supplied with Word 2000




Opens files in Borland dBASE IV, III+, III, and II format.


Opens documents ...

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