To remove Java classes from the database, you use the dropjava program. The syntax you use to invoke dropjava is:
dropjava -useruser_name
] [option_list
The command-line options are the same as for the loadjava program, described in the previous section, but the option_list takes the following parameters:
- -genmissingjar jar-file
Treats operand of option as file to be processed. New with Oracle9i.
- -help
Displays the options for the command.
- -jararesource
Drops whole JAR file, previously loaded as resource. New with Oracle9i.
- -oci8 | o | oci
Uses the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) driver to access the database.
- -optionfile file
See the same parameter described for loadjava. New with Oracle9i.
- -optiontable table
See the same parameter described for loadjava. New with Oracle9i.
- -schema | S schema
Specifies schema from which objects are to be dropped.
- -stdout
See the same parameter described for loadjava. New with Oracle9i.
- -synonym|s
Drops public synonym for each loaded Java class. New with Oracle9i.
- -thin | t
Specifies thin driver used to acces the database. Mutually exclusive with -oci8, the default.
- -time
See the same parameter description for loadjava. New with Oracle9i.
- -verbose
Specifies detailed process messages during load.
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