Compiling SQLJ Code

Once you have created a Java program using SQLJ, you use the sqlj program to compile the code. You can invoke this program using the following syntax:

sqlj [option_list] file_list

The flags available for the option list are:

-cache [=True | False]

Boolean indicating whether to enable caching of results of online semantics checking. Default is False.

-checkfilename [=True | False]

Boolean indicating whether to display warnings if source filename does not match name in public class. Default is True.


Specifies Java CLASSPATH.


Suppresses creation of profile files. New with Oracle9i.

-compile [=True | False]

Boolean indicating whether .java file produced should be compiled. Default is True.


Executable name of Java compiler.


File for output from compiler. If not present, displayed on screen.


Option to be passed to Java compiler.


Directory for .ser and .class files produced.


Class name for profile customizer. Default is oracle.sqlj.runtime.util.OraCustomizer.


Directory for .java files produced.


Class name for JDBC driver to use. Default is oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.

-explain [=True | False]

Boolean indicating whether to turn on detailed error messages. Default is False.


Causes compiler to include debugging code.


Displays list of options.


Option to be passed to JVM.

-linemap [=True | False]

Boolean indicating whether to enable the ...

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